Best Builds page #2
Early, sell non-components later
Priority | if you're very ahead try to save for Glass Cannon
Mid | if you can afford Glass Cannon first then go for it
And 2 more categories, including:
Late/ahead or no slots for other
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TOP 0.1%
Lane - greens in any order, then CQ and HVM
Early Options - as needed. RR for snowball
Into Mid Game - Get as ordered, but get first 6k after Bullet Lifesteal. Remember to sell early 500's to make room if needed later!
And 3 more categories, including:
Fighting End Game -
Splitting End Game -
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TOP 0.02%
Early Game Left=>Right. Health Nova early is also good
OPTIONAL REGEN Good even if ur DPS
Mid-Late Game Buy left->right. Sell Close Quarters & Extra Health if needed.
And 3 more categories, including:
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Early Game Ideal Left to Right Buy Order Look at Discord Guide Pinned Message For Info
Mid-Late Game Ideal Left to Right Buy Order(Sell Monster Rounds for Pristine & High Velo for Warp. Sup Cool on Grapple)
And 2 more categories, including:
Late Game
Optional Late Late
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TOP 0.02%
Buy these First HN > HV > HB Enduring Spirit Optional, take it if you need very early sustain. If super ahead skip HV Mag
Buy all these Order depends on what you need in the game
Core Build Finishers Prioritize Sprint Boots, Superior Cooldown & Improved Reach
And 2 more categories, including:
Monster Mode
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TOP 0.07%
mid game lifesteal for the treatment of knives
Against healing heroes
And 3 more categories, including:
late game
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TOP 0.01%
And 3 more categories, including:
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TOP 3%
Early Game Sold later: Spirit Strike, High-Velocity Mag, Enduring Spirit, Melee Lifesteal
Mid Game: Core Improving Damage
Mid Game: Optional Weapons that you may want
And 5 more categories, including:
Mid Game: Defenses
Late Game
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