Best Seven Builds
TOP 0.1%
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Shields Optional Late
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✪ Prizz
TOP 0.07%
Early Game Rush Soul Shred, Fleetfoot, Basic if up good, fill for power if needed.
MUST HAVE All these items are necessary to run people down. Tesla + Spirit Lifesteal for Jungle
BIG BOY ITEMS Boundless Spirit must get. Other 2 are extremely late game + High Soul games to snowball.
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Early Game Some staples to hold everything together, purchase at lease unless doing eco.
Mid Game The 7EUS awakens... Keep those Lightning Balls rolling and don't understimate your Power Surge
Late Game What if the Skybox.... was the Freakybox?
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TOP 1%
Lane Phase Skill Unlock: 1-2-3-4 | Skill Upgrade: 3-3-3-2-2-2-4-1-1-1-4-4
Situational If losing lane
Early Game Rush Tesla Bullets and Start farming jungle. Surge of Power on 3. You move really fast from jungle to jungle.
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Mid Game
Mid Game Situational
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TOP 0.1%
Early Game You arent him yet, calm down.
Lane hard...
Lane easy (Win more)
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Get stun after Lightning Ball if you have a lane partner, if you are solo get Power Surge.
Mid Game
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TOP 0.01%
Early/Laning Extra Regen can be sold or ignored early if having a good laning stage
Tesla Ideally get by 7m - Faster obtained/Faster Farm
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TOP 0.01%
Early Healing rite only if lane is hard
Mid actually after soul shredder and mystic vuln u should rush surge of power on 3rd spell then everything else
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Near end
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