Paradox Builds
TOP 3%
Lane Phase Skill Unlock: 3-1-2-4 | Skill Upgrade: 3-3-3-1-4-4-4-2-2-2-1-1
Situational If losing lane
Early Game You have insane gank + one shot potential with 3 but also good jungle damage
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Early Game Optional
Mid Game
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1. Start Skill Unlock: 1-3-2-4 | Skill Upgrade: 3-3-4-2-4 -4-2-2-3-1-1-1 | Read annotations.
2. Left to Right. Use Barrier often, free 520 HP.
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Get as needed after Fleetfoot.
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Lane Phase Skill Unlock 3-1-2-4 | Skill Upgrade 3-3-2-4-1-2-4-3-4-2-1-1
Situational / only if hard
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TOP 6%
Laning Ability point order: 3,3,4,2,2,2,4,4,3,1,1,1 You always want to max wall first for silence.
Mid game Rush Mystic shot and Warp Stone after
And 5 more categories, including:
What opponents have?
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This is the Bombdox build I've been running as of late. More orientated around gun early as it provides her a lot of general/safer value than melee. Pretty easy to follow from left to right and hopefully easier to play in comparison to my previous. Hope you all like it and if there's a need for reference, my youtube and twitch are my user. Look forward to the Bombdox guide soon.
And 7 more categories, including:
Tier 2s
Carbone Spikes
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