Best Lady Geist Builds
TOP 0.09%
sololane (optional) sell later
only dmg items u need damage core
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now buy these
then these
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TOP 1%
Lane Phase Skill Unlock: 1-2-3-4 | Skill Upgrade: 1-1-1-4-4-2-2-2-4-3-3-3
Optional if losing lane
Early Game You're very tanky and your combo should be: shoot 1 bullet + 3 + 1 + chase to kill your enemy
And 3 more categories, including:
Mid Game
Late Game
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Early Game Stuff Get these early (ammo scavenger to help if you cant deny souls consistantly)
This will help with the mid game These will help you start the mid game without feeling behind (Make sure you get Improved reach ASAP, as it gives your one a blast radius of a small nuclear device)
Get these to remove the enemy These are where your One gets to go thermonuclear (Odds you can purchase all of these is slim to none, but shoot for spirit items that enhance your one)
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Testing these Right now
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TOP 0.1%
CORE Get super active around the map once you get slowing bullets
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TOP 0.1%
Hard lane optional
Core (roughly in order) Sell Restorative Shot/Enduring Spirit/Extra Regen if slot limited
And 2 more categories, including:
Late game (roughly in order)
Situational / Luxury
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TOP 0.01%
Early Game buy headshot booster and mystic burst first to maximize poke in lane
Mid Game This is where we start building our core items along with good utility
And 3 more categories, including:
biggest spikes
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TOP 39%
End Goal Orange Headshot Booster and High Velo Mag when Laning and performing well. Get Extra Regen or Healing Rite if you're struggling.
End Goal Green Extra Stam Goes a long way in the early game, as well as Spirit Armor for reducing self dmg. I will sometimes rush Bullet Armor if its a bullet heavy lane thats poking me down.
End Goal Purples Escalating into Mystic is when you really come online. Ideally you're hanging in the backline poking down with SSB and lobbing Malice into Bombs and blowing up teamfights. Boundless only ramps up that damage even further. Lastly, Sup Cooldown for even more artillery on 1.
And 2 more categories, including:
End Goal Flex
Situational Items
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buy 1st
buy 2nd
buy hsboost if low buy ms if high you want both eventually
And 5 more categories, including:
Buy SL and then IC OR Buy ES/MV based on pref
Buy IB and SC next
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