Best Haze Builds
TOP 5%
Super Early Game AS -> HB -> RR -> ES
Lane Owie Read Annotations!
Early Game AR -> BL -> SS
And 7 more categories, including:
Mid Game
Late Game
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TOP 5%
Super Early Game AS -> HB -> RR -> ES
Lane Sustain
Leaving Lane
And 11 more categories, including:
Frequent Rotating
Early Game
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TOP 12%
early game all items that you need until 10 min to take solo kills or fight
easiest farm in your life must have items for this hero, take only 1 (tesla if bad line , ricochet if good )
mid game (if you dying ) everything good if you know you know
And 2 more categories, including:
mid game if you killing
just for fun
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TOP 1%
Lane Phase Skill Unlock: 1-3-2-4 | Skill Upgrade: 3-3-3-1-2-2-2-1-1-4-4-4
Lane Phase situational
Early Game Quicksilver Reload on 1 - Rush Tesla Bullets and go jungle
And 5 more categories, including:
Early Game Optional
Mid Game
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-1- ORDERED first items, Healing Rite optional. QSR on sleep dagger. sell extra health for slots later.
buy these when you want them
-2- next items to buy.
And 3 more categories, including:
-3- try to get ricochet at SAME TIME as max ult, then go snowball in a teamfight.
-4- last cheap items to buff base kit and ult
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TOP 0.01%
And 4 more categories, including:
haze's need dagame before she got richochet
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TOP 0.01%
Early Since we are limited on ammo, we will try to conserve ammo with a poke playstyle using headshot booster and extra spirit. We can always sell Ammo Scavenger/Headshot Booster and Extra Regen if we need room for the other items.
Tesla Ideally get by 7m - Faster Acquisition/Faster Farm
Midgame With tesla we can then farm our core even faster!
And 3 more categories, including:
Late Game
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Lane Rush bullet lifesteal if hard lane
Mid items QSR on 1st skill, rush ricochet if possible. PB or SS. Green when needed
And 4 more categories, including:
Main damage
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-1- ORDERED first items, Healing Rite and Spirit Strike optional. QSR on sleep dagger.
buy these when you want them
-2- next items to buy any , now your ganking is very powerful.
And 5 more categories, including:
-3- either veil + barrier first or lucky shot first, when you have both you are disgusting, sell extra health for slots
-4- Transition into making ult strong. silencer before unstoppable if not much CC on enemy team.
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