Mirage Builds
TOP 3%
Lane Phase Skill Unlock: 3-2-1-4 | Skill Upgrade: 2-3-1-1-4-3-3-2-2-4-4-1 | twitch.tv/linepro
Optional if losing lane
Early Game You're building survivability to make it harder to kill you. You peak reaching mid game. Quicksilver Reload on 3
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Mid Game
Late Game
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TOP 0.01%
Laning phase Extra Charge mainly for the cooldown reduction
Lane regen (buy 1-2)
Early Items Use flex slots for extra orange item, slowing bullets usually. If no flex slot you can skip. Check annotations.
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Utility Buys
Late Game
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TOP 2%
Optional Stuff Situational Goods, Debuffs depend on matchup, improved armors are in case you die to quickly reactive/unstopppable if being stunned a lot. Superioir stamina if you need more manuverability
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Alternate shielf route
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TOP 0.01%
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once you got your barrier..
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Build Gameplay: This build is created for the purpose of going Gun Early -> Mid then branching to either a spirit or tank later game to keep up with scaling. At the end of the day, it is very situational. If there are no carries, go Tank Track. If there are a few, become a spirit support. As for armors, buy whenever needed in your game. There is no explicit time to buy it's just dependent on snowballing and team composition. Rico rush is optional but I personally do it to farm and spread debuff. Gameplay: You are going full agro. Play like a carry at first
Tough Lane
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Mid - Start
Mid Core
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TOP 2%
Mid/Core game IN order after lane phase. If needed sell ammo scavenger. Depending on playstyle you may have to choose between quicksilver and arcane surge since AS takes up a purple slot
Optional Stuff Situational Goods, Debuffs depend on matchup, improved armors are in case you die to quickly reactive/unstopppable if being stunned a lot. Superioir stamina if you need more manuverability
And 3 more categories, including:
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