Best Pocket Builds
TOP 0.02%
Early Lane DPS Choose 3 between the gun 500 items
Hard Lanes Stay Alive and Farm, Sell later
Lane Sustain and Ganks Choose between boots or extra stam
And 8 more categories, including:
Post Lane Farming and Fighting
Defense - Armor and Sustain
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TOP 0.01%
opener T1's buy all for early tempo + large gaps From early T3's (Glyph, Leap, Veil)
Core 5-13 min Left to Right - Kinetic + silence = insane roam value
Mid Game Post Majestic Leap : OR rush Veil if ahead. Req. 1 Flex
And 5 more categories, including:
Core T3's
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TOP 0.01%
opener T1's buy ALL - Healing Rite only for losing/poke lanes. sell heal rite/endure for Phantomstrike
7-15k Souls Improved Burst FIRST After T2's, Then Choice.
Core Post 15k Boots/Lifesteal For Farm
And 4 more categories, including:
Extra Situationals
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TOP 1%
Lane Phase Skill Unlock: 1-2-3-4 | Skill Upgrade: 1-1-2-3-3-2-4-4-4-3-1-2
Optional Situational Items
Early Game You have insane mobility, sustain and map presence | You will need 2 flex slots to complete the set
And 2 more categories, including:
Mid Game
Late Game + Situational Items
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TOP 0.01%
Early headshot booster// mystic shot really good poke in lane, these are affected by you 1 amp
Situationals Leap is preference but I find it very useful against alot of comps
And 1 more categories, including:
Late Game
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TOP 0.01%
And 2 more categories, including:
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lane items ORDERED sell spirit strike for slot later, healing rite whenever needed.
next items ORDERED once you have silence glyph you are a ganking monster, leap on people and abuse them, you can SKIP leap and go straight to phantom strike, and then come back to get glyph and imp burst.
buy when you feel like it.
And 2 more categories, including:
become final boss ORDERED
latest buys when loaded on cash any order you want.
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