Best Yamato Builds page #2
Gressil ⸸
TOP 0.04%
Le Lane I like stamina but feel free to take Sprint Boots
Lane optional HSB for M&K
Mid Fleetfoot & KD can be replaced for more damage
And 4 more categories, including:
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Blam Sair
TOP 21%
Stage 1 - Get Ready [CQ 1st, Then MB. the rest are nice to have but not required.]
Stage 2 - Get Set [I'd argue all of these are necessary.]
Stage 2.5 - Time out. [Helpful but not required]
And 2 more categories, including:
Stage 3 - AND NOW
Stage 4 - Go!
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TOP 74%
early LEFT TO RIGHT / Sell ML and SS later
Against Poke Lane - optional Sell later
early-mid game LEFT TO RIGHT / Sell SL later for Leech
And 5 more categories, including:
Optional - Items / Flex slot
late-mid game
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TOP 0.01%
Early Game Buy in order, can buy greens earlier if struggling in lane.
Midgame Fill your slots before moving onto T3 items. Headhunter as first T3 item.
And 2 more categories, including:
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Laning Phase Massive burst damage in lane use stam to engage and disengage quickly, Abuse them right clicks
Early game Buy in order, Vuln and healbane interchangeable
Mid Game If u get really fed skip spirit lifesteal/healing booster and get leach, If playing against a lot of tanks get Escalating Exposure instead of reverb
And 1 more categories, including:
Late game
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Ранняя игра Слева направо по порядку.
Опционально Очень редко
Мидгейм Слева направо по порядку
And 3 more categories, including:
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