Best Yamato Builds page #3
Laning This is what the laning build will be, Close Quarters for damage High-Velocity is generally good for your projectile and this will be used for upgrade. Green items for surviving
CORE These core items enables you to at least 1v3. Get into the enemies face start autoing their heads. Cold front greatly helps placing your shots. Prioritize aiming for their softies to make fight easier.
And 2 more categories, including:
Late Game
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TOP 0.1%
Early game All of these are important. HVM and ML order can be reversed.
Early mid game These are all important. Get them in this order. When you get Mystic Reverb start looking for easy kills, it will massively boost your damage.
Mid game You can get these in any order based on the situation in the game.
And 2 more categories, including:
Late game
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TOP 10%
Early Game Harass if duo, wave clear if solo, rush SS ASAP
Laning Sustain + movement
Core BL always first, BF if behind LEECH if ahead , must get both
And 5 more categories, including:
More DPS, 3000k = value
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TOP 18%
Laning Phase Recommended order, for better laning experience
Core Items Must have before mid game items in order
And 6 more categories, including:
One shot build
Mid Game
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TOP 0.1%
Lane Left to right usually. HR if getting farmed
Situational Buys Buy if needed
Early-Mid Core If ahead rush reverb S1. Left to right is B&B
And 4 more categories, including:
If needed/Pref Slot
Late Core
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