TOP 8%


Headshoot booster, healing rite first, then spirit items
MUST get quicksilver reload and imbue to your ultimate for infinite ammo.


These are all must haves
Start with long range into sharpshooter for basic dam
Then improved burst for big snipe and upgrade your ult for max (+600 souls per assasination to get fed asap)
Then health items if you are getting focused or alchemical fire
ALWAYS use alchemical fire together with your stake for +50% damage.


Usually doesn't get this far
You can take this if you bought everything from mid/late game.


This works if enemy has a lot of heroes that can close the gap quickly and you will be shot constantly
Otherwise get shield for burst damage protection.


Metal skin/movement against Haze/Wraith
Healbane vs healing heavy comps, works very nicely with alchemical fire too
Mystic slow vs fast/shooty comps
Surge of power if you want extra big dam snipe and burst movespeed, but usually late game you will insta kill everything <50% hp anyways
Rescue beam for pulling idiot teammates since you will be high in air.

Vindicta Build Description

Sniper main build. Big dam. Get fed without boring farming.

- start with stake in the laning phase first, then flight
- upgrade flight and ult to max asap for +600 souls bonus per assasination
- buy everything from early game and mid/late game category
- shoot from afar, don't rush, always have teammates in front of you