Best Pocket Builds page #4
TOP 94%
Main Items Mid Game (In Order) Get "Majestic Leap" fast to gank and get online.
+20k Souls Get really powerful !
And 5 more categories, including:
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TOP 14%
Early Game Must Haves. BUY FROM LEFT TO RIGHT
Mid game items to improve dueling These will help increase your potency for Mid Game, and help with chasing Covid victims
Covid Potency Items (late game) this is the equivelant of getting Heart Failure in Plague Inc.
And 1 more categories, including:
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TOP 98%
Early Game 500 Core Close Quarters, Enduring Spirit, Mystic Burst all good starters if winning lane.
Mid Game 1250 - 3000 Core Buy all. Prioritize Majestic Leap and Cold Front.
Late Core // Survival Sells: Restorative Shot for Soul Shredder, Healing Rite for Spirit Lifesteal. Prioritize Spirit Lifesteal, Soul Shredder Bullets, Improved Cooldown, and Improved Spirit.
And 3 more categories, including:
Antiheal and Slow
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TOP 0.1%
opener T1's buy ALL - Healing Rite only for losing/poke lanes. sell heal rite/endure for Phantomstrike
7-15k Souls Improved Burst FIRST After T2's, Then Choice.
Core Post 15k Boots/Lifesteal For Farm
And 4 more categories, including:
Extra Situationals
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Lane Extra Stamina optional. Buy in any order of preference.
Pain Sell when need slot
CORE 3 Buy in order of preference. Annotations. Also your first Core 3 come online at 8k. Exactly when you have 1+2+3 all at Lv2. Burst has to be first or second item. I usually buy Burst->Majestic then Spirit Lifesteal and maybe 1-2 more from mid THEN Warp Stone.
And 3 more categories, including:
Situational/optional items, you'll be forced to sell Extra Stamina or skip Healbane
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