Best Pocket Builds page #3
TOP 22%
First items [Get All] Left --- to ---> Right
Maybe buy and sell later For laning, Teamwork or useful item.
After Above [Get all] Left --- to ---> Right
And 5 more categories, including:
Choose protection
After Above
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TOP 3%
ยืนเลนเริ่มต้น AS กับ ES ขายเอาช่องได้
ไม่ไหวละ ยาแก้แพ้
And 6 more categories, including:
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TOP 92%
Early laning Regen is importent to survive early, close quarters, burst, and hollow let you punish over agression, stamina and speed can set up your counter-attack
Early mid game Early lifesteal, cooldowns help all your ability windows and is very useful, making sure you cant take cc is important but this is a light catagory as we are rushing for...
Late mid game This is your mid game power spike, PB and aura granting a lot of assassination potential, emblem spikes the damage further before adding better timing to your strategic abilities, IB helps late with % HP damage
And 1 more categories, including:
Late Game
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opener T1's buy ALL - Healing Rite only for losing/poke lanes. sell heal rite/endure for Phantomstrike
7-15k Souls Sell boots for leap if required
Core Post 15k healing booster is disgusting
And 4 more categories, including:
Extra Situationals
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Early Game Priority (Sell later except Mysitc Burst)
Sustain Options
And 8 more categories, including:
Early/Mid Game
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Buy if the lane is a pokey lane (not necessary at all)
Buy at end of lane (skip veil walker and combat barrier if you want)
And 3 more categories, including:
Buy when you get money
Buy if you need to counter
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Laning Phase Scav or Shot first, XStamina vs melee , rush Mystic Shot for early kills followed by spirit+burst; Take all before Midgame powerup
Mid Game Shredder + Mystic, then Lifesteal + Barrier; Take Improved Spirit/Burst before Late Game powerups
Priority Flex Slots Take all 3 as flex unlocks
And 4 more categories, including:
Late Game
Flex Slot 4
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