TOP 66%


Those items must be bought early one in the order they are displayed.

Final items

Don't forget to sell tier 1 items that remain, buy 1 asap

Game's not over?

If the game is not over, you will need to get more weapon damage

Situation items

Items that can be bought in specific situation (high mobility required, ...) - Sorted by price

Paradox SKill build


Paradox Build Description

This build put an big empasis on the Carbine spell of Paradox which is the core damage of this character.
Everything have been built in order to increase the damage dealt by this spell.
Quick reminder, headshots doesn't work on the spell so don't bother aiming or taking anything related to headshot damage.
Early items are meant to be bought in the order they are listed in order to proc correctly (first purple item needs at least 80dmg which are brought by the first orange item).
The "Game's not over?" section is realy variable and it depends on how you positionate yourself in the team, if you are the main damage dealer, aim for more weapon damage.
If there are huge damage dealer, buy more survivability.

Some quick information regarding his spells:

This is a powerful item during early game. This spell does a lot for pushing / harassing / securing creep score. Use it as soon as you have it either on creeps or on your enemies.
During late game, every items will amplify it's damage and this spell have to used as a damage amplifier. Use it first, then either cast your Carbine or use your ult. It will deal ton of damages.

Time Wall:
Time wall is a very, very good spell. It had some bug that have been fixed but it literally slows the entrying bullets in order and allow you to dodge them. It works for spells too.
When you aggro opponents, use it between you and them and spam the enemy.

Your main source of damage (even if your ult deals ton too). Always use it charged at 100% to deal ton of damage or use it very fast if you want to slow an enemy in order to engage it / slow his escape.
As a reminder, if you jump and right click, it will slow your time in order to aim better. It works well with long shot to aim at your enemies.
Also, HEADSHOT DOESN'T WORK. Stop buying headshot related items. Please.

One of the best engage. Incredible range at max + life steal.
Put your wall, use your ult, they will take damage from both wall + ult (do that during all the game).
Your ult don't do damage based on your enemy travel distance but it will always do the same damage. Use it at close range to do a big burst of damage or long range to pull it to your allies.

To play Paradox, you need to put yourself away from the battle as all of the items benefit from long range shot.
Also, your Q increase the damage you deal to enemies, throw it, double proc the damage increase thanks to one of your purple item and benefit from this.
You won't one tap but you'll deal enough damage to scare the one you hit.

Also, one of the purple hit has been brought in order to use your ult, get close to the target your swapped position with and instant re-tp on it + silence.

Good luck and hit those shot!