McGinnis Builds page #22
Early basic mag and extra will be used later, active reload is core
mid game essentials burst fire, heroic aura and fleetfoot make you the fastest player on the map, you can use this to splitpush, or pair with your ult to cause terror in the enemy team, pair with slowing bullets and you can chase anybody. kinetic dash, fleetfoot and burstfire can be sold if needed when you are done split pushing
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mid game situational
late game
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1 Pick any five of these items depending on your needs. My recommended path is (SOLO LANE) Hollow Point Ward > Extra Spirit > Extra Charge // (DUO LANE) Extra Spirit, Mystic Reach, Extra Charge // then any other two items
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TOP 34%
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Категория 4
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TOP 3%
Lane Phase Skill Unlock: 3-2-1-4 | Skill Upgrade: 2-2-4-3-1-1-1-2-3-3-4-4 Focus on surviving and securing souls, mid game we focus on turrets
Optional If losing lane
Early Game Your turrets get part of you stats so you want to make them tankier. You will most likely not have 3 flex slots for purple so just go for next items or upgrades. Your 2 works on your turrets for extra regen and atack speed.
And 2 more categories, including:
Mid Game
Late Game + IF MEGA FED
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