Always be sure to keep two lanes pushed and steal farms
You're backline, but just because you're fat doesn't mean you shouldn't be fast
Get yourself set up, and lay into that ult from a cozy range while using Heavy Melee Cancel to get out
Always place your sentries apart and in weird spots, you use them for the debuffs, not the damage, since THEY WON'T STOP NERFING THAT SECOND PART
If you see a teamfight, chuck your heal in the middle of it all and plop your turrets around while waiting to either pop an active item or your ult
You capitalize on enemies overextending and punish them hard for going in
Your teammates will immediately recognize your zone as a safe area, so make sure the place is always up and running
Don't be scared to solo objectives, but only make yourself known when you've got all your abilities ready to go
Otherwise, drop your sentries in camps to quickly farm them
Identify when two turrets is enough to clear a camp and just drop them there to steal it from your enemies
You are a viable candidate for claiming level 3 camps with your ultimate, so don't shy away from that.