TOP 0.02%


Recommended order, but not required.

Healing (choose 1,usually)



Sinclair is a very one-shot type character, for most situations that you'll see coming up, you probaly will only get a single chance to reel in the kill and you gotta be quick doing it
Be smart about using your assistant, as it is part of your damage combo, but also your only escape
This character is alot about developing the right "feel" of when to engage and limit testing the enemy team
If you find the correct holes to engage on their backline, you can frustrate them to no end
Sadly the ult is the weakest part of his kit, as the range on it is incredibly low
Try and steal ults that are quick to use with instant value.

Magnificent SKill build

Magnificent Build Description

Master the arcane arts of Sinclair with Bass's Magician build!