TOP 12%

Ivy Build Description

A gun build base with some different options depending on the game.

Options for True Gun, Spirit Gun, and Support Gun.

There isn’t a priority order for ability points. Do what feels good for the game. Tether if your lanemate is awesome. Kudzu if enemies are super aggressive. Stone form can be an offensive stun or a quick heal.

In general:

Watch your teammate. If they’re focusing minions and confirm/deny, use kudzu to herd the enemy team away from your buddy. If your lanemate is more aggro, save your kudzu for minions & side farm.
For the most part, stay behind your lane mate. If enemies get too aggro or go after your buddy, slide in with a gargoyle thwamp to push them back. Early ULT doesn’t do much damage, but it can scare enemies backwards or finish off someone trying to zip out.

Use tether on cooldown throughout the game. Even if you’re not healing, getting some movespeed and fire rate comes in handy all the time.

Stay on the edge of team fights to throw kudzu and help as you can, but be mindful of always having an escape route.

You don't have to play support, but Ivy will always be strongest with at least one teammate! Friendship is the real Gun Build