LaneLeft to RightIvussy is weak right now. Play safe.

(OPT) Rough Lane Sustain

MidLeft to Right

Farm as often as able
Weak in most duels until Vamp
Steal kills for stacks
Sell RS/MR for slots


Lucky - When ahead/duel heavy
Ricochet - When behind/team fight heavy
Next, buy the other
Sell BM if needed.

Late-EndLeft to Right

Any Order
Normally Crippling Last Flex Slot
Sell bullet lifesteal.

A Good Ivussy Helps Her Allies... Eventually. Buy around mid-late. SOP on 2

Silly Super Late/Experimental

At this point, Ivussy is no longer a pretty, squishy little gargoyle
She's a sexy, thicc gargoyle ready to smear her Ivussy on anyone who gets in her way! Now it's time to experiment with our allies and play with our food!

Ivy SKill build


Ivy Build Description

It's a pretty straightforward build that I love. If your aim is booty, this build isn't for you. Play relatively passive, peel for allies, and farm as much as possible until you get vamp/t3 ult. Then, pick off solo enemies - (Sneakily fly to enemies, drop your ult on them, shred them with vamp burst, and then get out). Farm/peel allies/take favorable duels between ult cooldowns. Doing this should allow you to outscale the entire lobby fast. Eventually, start saving ult for mass team fight silence/saving allies. Enemies will go from walking all over you to running at the sight of you; anyone who doesn't respect the mid-late Ivussy will get destroyed. I hope you enjoy my build - Smearing My Ivussy On You <3