Best Dynamo Builds page #2
TOP 0.02%
Early Game High-Velocity Mag is top tier item for Dynamo because he have really slow projectile, this item will make your creepstats much better.
After lane game Quicksilver Reload is a good choice for aggressive Dynamo (use it on 1st skill), also helps you to farm creeps faster (some games require not to use 2nd skill without good reason such as save from Lash's or Wraith's ultis, so QR is a really good replacement). Combo of 2 barriers and Veil Walker making you hard to kill, also it gives you invisibility which really usefull for unpredicted BH)
Mid game In late game you are more focused on teamfights so you have to buy items which making you more dangerous. Headhunter is OP for its price especially for Dynamo, Warp Stone gives you mobility and it's key item for ur ultimate. Improved reach and superior cooldown needs to buff ultimare.In late game you are more focused on teamfights so you have to buy items which making you more dangerous. Headhunter is OP for its price especially for Dynamo, Warp Stone gives you mobility and it's key item for ur ultimate. Improved reach and superior cooldown needs to buff ultimare.
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Late game
Optional items
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TOP 98%
Early/Lane Consider buying in order
If lane sucks
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Get fleetfoot before MJ if you are poor.
Buy if you need defense + damage
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Early Left to right.
Early Stam is nice, others only early if hard lane, sell later.
Mid Left to right, if dying armor instead.
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TOP 0.01%
if you need to survive the lane take aBarrier or Healing Rite but if you don't need them, go for something in "SITUATIONAL" tab below
You can take Burst Fire really fast in the game, when you have it + fleetfoot you can slide for long distance to have infinite bullets
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TOP 1%
Early Game In order but buy what you need depending on the lane.
Early Situational
Mid Game 1: Rush this
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Mid Game 2
Mid Game 3
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TOP 97%
After Lane, GO farm RQ left to right, 1 flex slot for Improved CD
Late 2 flex slots REQ, imbue all in 1, left to right
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Fed? upgrades? not needed tho
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Lane Situational
Buy one depending on matchup
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Early Game
Buy once flex slots open
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TOP 89%
Early laning To provide you the chill lane experience
Optional If under heavy harass
Early farming / roaming [Imbue Skill 1]
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Stomp Essentials
Stomp Tempo
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Manu Toa
TOP 52%
EARLY GAME Dynamos early game can be considered kinda weak so starting with solid offensive items can help getting close quarters and hi velo can maximiz damage out put at rand or after putting 2 points into your 1
Early situational these items can keep you sustained or just add more to your punch, if you ahead getrting rapids a solid item, if yourr behind healing rite or booster can keep you in the fight
Mid game if needed, if not go for combat barrier. If you are tmid game is when rotations happen getting rapid here can increase ur cc while imporved cooldaown will help with ulti and reach for ur teleport, but the goal here is to survive
And 3 more categories, including:
Mid situational
Late game
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Starting items Extra health is a must early on, this build's main focus is being tanky and healing a ton. We'll use extra charge to build into rapid recharge later on so we can spam 1st for a ton of CC
Core Your build is mainly gonna revolve around these items
Mid Game By this time you prolly wont need boots or Xtra stamina so you can sell those for health nova and rest locket, KEEP EXTRA HEALTH!!!!
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