Early Game High-Velocity Mag is top tier item for Dynamo because he have really slow projectile, this item will make your creepstats much better.
After lane game Quicksilver Reload is a good choice for aggressive Dynamo (use it on 1st skill), also helps you to farm creeps faster (some games require not to use 2nd skill without good reason such as save from Lash's or Wraith's ultis, so QR is a really good replacement). Combo of 2 barriers and Veil Walker making you hard to kill, also it gives you invisibility which really usefull for unpredicted BH)
Mid game In late game you are more focused on teamfights so you have to buy items which making you more dangerous. Headhunter is OP for its price especially for Dynamo, Warp Stone gives you mobility and it's key item for ur ultimate. Improved reach and superior cooldown needs to buff ultimare.In late game you are more focused on teamfights so you have to buy items which making you more dangerous. Headhunter is OP for its price especially for Dynamo, Warp Stone gives you mobility and it's key item for ur ultimate. Improved reach and superior cooldown needs to buff ultimare.