Lane Phase: L to R4,000

Sell Mystic Burst and melee lifesteal if needed

Early Counters/ Bad lane


Improved Reach on 4

[OPTIONAL] Anti-Gun Stuff

Only one

Late 35,500

[Extras] L to R of most importance

6000 or two 3000 = 41500

[OPTIONAL] Anti-Spirit Stuff

Only one


This build is to be used as a hit and run
When you get close to someone as a cat use 2 then 1 and finish with 4 if they are low
If you are able to get a kill run away as fast as possible.

Calico SKill build

Calico Build Description

This is a spirit build that mainly uses the bombs and the ult. Recommend running around as the cat to surprise people with 1 then 4 and repeat. When low run away.