Vyper Builds page #19
Lane L to R, make sure to get bullet lifesteal before laning ends
Lane ends End of laning QS reload on 1. Pick either bullet armor or skip. Get purple items before swift striker if tight on slots, (slowing hex has too much value)
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Late game
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TOP 0.03%
And 4 more categories, including:
Late game
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TOP 0.06%
500 sell basic for intensifying then rapid/monster rounds, only buy infuser if they are under 700 basehp, oneshot, mostly ordered, get Regens as needed, Spirit, Monster.
Lane Optional
1250 Swift - Lifesteal - Intensifying - QSR - Burst - Spirit Armor (Sell Regen) - Cold Front - Escalating/Sup Stam
And 4 more categories, including:
1250 Optional
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And 2 more categories, including:
late game
Late game situational
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