Best Shiv Builds page #2
TOP 0.03%
After lane Left to right is ideal 14-16 min mark for Leech ( Imbue CD on 2nd skill )
Mid Game PB + MS + 1st skill = 90% slow ( Sell HB for PE ) ( Sell EC for IR if no flex slots ) ( Imbue 2nd skill with SoP ) ( Sell ER for HB )
And 4 more categories, including:
Late game 35+ min mark
Late Late game
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Situational early
Mid Game QR->Slice and Dice / Replace Active Reload with PE if no Flex slot
And 3 more categories, including:
Anti-heal / Slowing Hex
End Game
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TOP 0.1%
Harass Heavy
Mid Game CF for skirmish, IC + Rage + 2 = One shot camps and waves
And 4 more categories, including:
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TOP 0.1%
EARLY Take in order, left to right, top to bottom.
MID GAME Take in order. Sell EH/HR. If fed, rush SC (dash) for farm.
And 1 more categories, including:
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