TOP 0.03%

After lane

Left to right is ideal 14-16 min mark for Leech ( Imbue CD on 2nd skill )

Mid Game

PB + MS + 1st skill = 90% slow ( Sell HB for PE ) ( Sell EC for IR if no flex slots ) ( Imbue 2nd skill with SoP ) ( Sell ER for HB )

Late game 35+ min mark

Time to get resists + DK for Survival

Late Late game

Sell BL for SR ( For Survival ) Sell BL for EE ( For DMG )

Situational items

Knockdown VS Seven ult ( if no one can stop it ) Healbane ( if no one bought it ) SS for extra mobility ( Low Priority )

Gun Explanation

With Berserker Stacks And Being Close For PB You get + 95% Weapon dmg And Then All you're dmg get 25% more From rage So you should be around 400 dps late game (don't look at ingame dps meter)

Shiv SKill build


Shiv Build Description

Skill Order : 1 2 3 4 Search my build in Official Discord for more info
Ap Order : 1 2 2 2 4 3 3 3 4 4 1 1 PS Sorry for bad ENG (russian moment)
Shiv is a really good Skirmisher Duelist AND Teamfighter with this build
You should Win your lane almost always since there's no hard matchups
On lane try to chip away health with 1st skill but priorotize farming
After lane priorotize farming T3 Jungle camps while grabbing some
T1 and T2 camps on the way, be cautious while farming since all of
your income is not reserved, You should get Leech ASAP 14 - 16 min
After that you are pretty much hardest to kill Hero in the game
In teamfights - Be in center of it to create space for team DMG