McGinnis Builds page #19
Early Buy Right to Left, monster rounds for when you start jungle
Armor / Situational / Losing You're losing and dying so buy these QSR on 1 or 2
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Mid Upgrades
Final Showdown
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Early Go in order, QSR on TURRET | Be aggressive, let guardians and walkers hit you over minions to stack berserker | As soon as you get monster rounds, you can start taking dmg guardians, and with quicksilver, you can start taking them
Mid/Walker Time In order again, buy armor/counter items as needed, and if they have any strong guns, grab metal skin.
Late/Very Late Game Will rarely get this deep, at this point, buy whatever you think fits best/buy more counter items
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TOP 0.01%
Early Go in order, QSR on TURRET | Be aggressive, let guardians and walkers hit you over minions to stack berserker | Drop heal when engaging people, play careful whenever you dont have your heal up
Mid/Walker Time in order again, but buy armor/counter items like debuff reducer as needed | Sell monster rounds for heroic or other items (Besides Swift) as needed | Buy Burst before escalating if they dont have too much gun dmg
Late/Very Late Game At this point is it completely optional what you buy, silencer will stack STUPID fast, but vampric burst/frenzy are also not bad
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