TOP 6%

Optional Early Game

Buy as needed.

Mid Game

Buy Superior Cooldown before Echo.

Optional Mid Game

Buy as needed.

Your Game Plan

You're tanky and have good abilities
Use turrets to kill everything that moves, wall to trap enemies and escape, heal for sustain and pushes, and your ult to push and teamfight
Your ult can kill the hard creep camp, your heal lets you trade shots in lane, and your huge magazine lets you last hit and deny orbs like a god
Focus on early survivability and weapon damage
Transition into turrets mid game
Late game your turrets are annoying monsters that heal you and make your enemies cry.

Your Big Gun

Turrets are cool, and your eventual goal is to spam them, but you need to rely on your gun until the turret build is online
Do not fall for the bait that a turret build is good all game
Early game your turrets are annoying at best and free souls at worst
Once you've leveled your turrets once or twice they do become a minor threat, but even then, they don't scale as well as your gun until they have proper investment
A good turret build starts with a cheap and effective gun build
Learn to like your gun
It is a nice gun
We like our gun.

Your Turrets

Your turret build comes online once you have Superior Cooldown and Echo Shard
Use your Echo Shard to drop two turrets in quick succession, allowing you to farm lanes and jungle camps by simply dropping two turrets, shooting the creeps once with your gun, and leaving to let the turrets solo them
In fights you can drop two right away and a third as soon as its available
The sudden influx of turrets will make you a big threat
Do note that your turrets greatest weakness is survivability
Strategically place them in fights so that they either benefit from your heal or are spread out to avoid dying to AOE spam.


Your biggest weakness is mobility
Enduring Speed and Fleet Foot have you mostly covered, but you might want to pick up Warp Stone or Superior Stamina in some games, too
Between your wall, heals, and eventual turret lifesteal, the only thing that kills you is a massive burst of damage or crowd control
They will try to run you down (because they hate you) so become a slippery turret spammer they can't catch.

McGinnis SKill build


McGinnis Build Description
