TOP 0.1%

Early Game

Buy left to right
Use Cold Front on enemies after Ground Slam


Mid Game

Once you have Improved Burst and T3 on Ground Slam your Burst becomes insane

Early-Game: Start by playing passively, focusing on last-hitting and denying orbs until you've collected a few 500 Soul items and have all three of your spells
Once you're equipped, use Flog on enemies whenever you're missing health, and frequently dive them with the Grapple-Groundstrike combo
This strategy should allow you to outtrade most opponents in your lane
Once you've obtained all the items in the first category, push waves into the enemy tower and apply as much pressure on your enemies as possible
Keep an eye on your neighboring lanes as well, as they're often vulnerable to surprise attacks, and Lash’s mobility makes it easy to capitalize on these opportunities.

Mid-Game: Once you've upgraded Ground Strike to Tier 3 and purchased Improved Burst, your aerial Burst Damage starts to become extremely powerful
Keep a close watch on the map for out-of-position opponents and pick them off whenever possible
While rotating to lanes, push out waves to reduce the enemy's ability to push your objectives and increase the chances of catching isolated enemies who push out the lanes you pushed in
Farm jungle creeps between ganks or when no gank opportunities are available
After acquiring Rapid Recharge and enhancing your Ultimate with Improved Reach, target groups of enemies to throw into your team for maximum effect
Beware of enemies like Dynamo for example who like to be thrown into your Team though.

Late-Game: Later on the playstyle doesn´t really change for Lash
You keep looking for isolated enemies or groups of enemies you can pick off alone or with your team
You can aso try to contest Midboss with your ultimate and create big openings for your team with your ultimate
With the late game items we further improve our Burst Damage on Ground Strike and increase our survivability because Lash likes to be on enemies and the damage of some heroes in the lategame can hinder us from diving in or making us feed
For more details and the full advanced guide, visit the official Discord and look for the Lash guide with the same name.

Lash SKill build


Lash Build Description

Wanna be an asshole with Lash? Here you go!

Updated for September 12th 2024 Patch.

Get a lot of 500 soul items early and be sure to roam to your neighboring lanes forganks and transform into a insane Mid-Game Burst Damage dealer.
For more info check out the text boxes below the items and check out my advanced Lash Guide in the official Deadlock Discord with the same name as this guide.