Best Lady Geist Builds page #2
Lane Phase Stack spirit with ammo scav then poke with 1
Buy only one Pref barrier
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For infernus/pocket matchups
Mid Game
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Laning/Early Game Survivability is key - Geist can have the excellent ability to get initial minion kills, but she can struggle with denies and secures due to her fire rate and ammo. If you can, try to melee the minions!
Laning/Early Game Optionals If your struggling in the early game, ensuring extra survivability or kills may be needed. Geist dances with her own life, making trips back to base tempting, but risky due to farm loss. These aim to provide her with more survivability, letting her stay for longer. These are likely the first options sold if needed.
The Start of Damage One of the key parts of Geist's kit is stacking Malice (her 3 ability) on the enemies to then out-range them with both her gun and Essence Bomb (her 1). Due to the skill focus - the primary boost will be Spirit Power, as our weapon damage is essentially carried by Berserker stacks.
And 3 more categories, including:
Vitality Aids
Leech + Post Leech
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TOP 0.1%
EARLY GAME 99% buy this during lane phase, healing rite situational, high-velocity mag is too, take extra regen or rite depending on lane, take both if very hard lane
AFTER LANE Always buy improved CD and cold front depending on your lane, for close fights cold front, CD if you harass a lot. Always buy boots after. Kinetic Dash for movement
MID GAME Burst or blink first depending if you need mobility or damage. MV if noone has in team
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TOP 5%
Линия Headshot, Extra можно продать по необходимости
ЗАТЕМ Heal.Rite можно продать, если нет флекс слота
And 5 more categories, including:
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Early->Mid rush headhunter. RS is very useful early for spamming bombs
core shields / def RB situational, veil <3
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TOP 14%
Early Laning Rush headhunter for burst damage
Optional Get first if trouble in lane
Midgame Focus on damage, swap lanes regularly. Fleetfoot for getting away and lane swapping.
And 4 more categories, including:
Distance Damage
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Can be good early, sell later.
And 6 more categories, including:
Armor and Sustain.
Option 1: Pure damage.
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TOP 14%
500 I rearranged it to prio regen if you find spamming your bomb too damaging
And 4 more categories, including:
Situational item choices
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