Lady Geist Builds page #7
TOP 0.07%
slot fillers (for late game) late game slots and u have to buy quick
And 6 more categories, including:
into gun comps
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TOP 7%
And 6 more categories, including:
Post Lane Improvments
Make Knifes Goated
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Laning Lady Geist is really strong early but you can lose health really fast if you aren't hitting your abilities. IMO it is best to get soul drain 2nd as if you go for Malice (her 3) you can drain your own health really. If build order is glitched I go: 1--2--3--4--1--1--3--4--3--2--1--2--3--4--4--5
Must Get! (Early) Go from left to right. Geist is unique in that she doesn't really require getting raw spirit as she amplifies her own damage with her malice (her 3). Make sure to keep hitting enemies with it before you attack as it boosts your spirit and weapon against Her malice can only get 5 stacks but refreshers the timer if you get them. Also realize that the more spirit power you have, the more damage you do to yourself, so watch your health bar.
Must Haves! These are luxury but really put Lady Geist of the edge.
And 3 more categories, including:
Power Spikes!
Good to have early but not Nessecary
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