TOP 39%

End Goal Orange

Headshot Booster and High Velo Mag when Laning and performing well
Get Extra Regen or Healing Rite if you're struggling.

End Goal Green

Extra Stam Goes a long way in the early game, as well as Spirit Armor for reducing self dmg
I will sometimes rush Bullet Armor if its a bullet heavy lane thats poking me down.

End Goal Purples

Escalating into Mystic is when you really come online
Ideally you're hanging in the backline poking down with SSB and lobbing Malice into Bombs and blowing up teamfights
Boundless only ramps up that damage even further
Lastly, Sup Cooldown for even more artillery on 1.

End Goal Flex

Warp Stone is ESSENTIAL for late game fights
With all the healing available it's good to be able to out sustain everyone through your damage
Getting stunlocked or dove takes you out too soon and you need to continuously apply DoT via 1 AOE and EE
Divine Kevlar helps you clean up fights and stay alive
Always keep the fighting inside your 1 radius.

Situational Items

Long Range if they have a fed Vindicta or Grey Talon
You'll surprise them with headshot dmg, long range, soul shredder and mystic shot
Berserker if they're pummeling you with Bebop/Abrams/Lash
Healing Booster can help sustain if you're behind and getting burst quickly
Healbane for mid game fighting vs lifestealers.

Lady Geist SKill build


Lady Geist Build Description

A build designed around POWER FARMING through midgame untill you become and unstoppable bomb launching goddess, nuking entire lanes, slowing enemies, and keeping control of the entire map tempo. Don't forget to use teleporters to cross sides, always farm jungles with your 1 as soon as it hits 5, and always hunt boxes/jars/buffs. Your soul income should be faster than anyone else in the game because you don't have to be present to farm-- just lob a bomb and slip away to the next objective. Once youre in the mid-late game you'll have to decide when to farm and when to fight but you should be actively murdering people by than with 3,1,and headshots.

The key element is to become a huge powerhouse via your afk farm and efficient movement around the map. Never stop farming and use kinetic dash, warp stone, super stam, telelporters and zips to farm absolutely everything in sight.

In teamfights try to hangback, stacking Malice Amps and lobbing bombs until you start to melt people. Often times Mystic Reverb will finish off low HP champs when they think they are safely escaping.