Best Ivy Builds page #2
TOP 99%
The Farmer's Package T5 Kudzu Bomb is all you need to jungle.
And 1 more categories, including:
The rest :)
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TOP 0.01%
Early Lane Extra Regen and Healing Rite are OK if lane is hard
Core Circle Items buff your circle
And 1 more categories, including:
The rest of the items
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TOP 21%
Early Game In order from Left to Right. Try to get Monster Rounds before Jungling.
Mid Game At this point you should be making bombing runs every Ult cooldown and then jungling inbetween. (Your Combo: Fly in, Maybe Vines, Ult Bomb, More Vines, Gargoyle Someone, Heavy Melee, FINISH THEM)
Late Game Prio from Left to Right, Sell of Monster Rounds and Extra Regen to make space for better items.
And 2 more categories, including:
Flex Late
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Lane Phase Slow play - ivy is a little weak early
And 4 more categories, including:
For infernus/pocket matchups
Mid Game
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