Ivy Builds page #8
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TOP 1%
FLY USAGE Fly is used for four things, in order of importance: 1. Setting up ganks for your half of the map = If an enemy is beyond their half of the map, set up a kill w/ a core. || 2. Solo Urn deposit = Check minimap, if able: you can pickup urn by timing Fly self-cast once Urn pickup bar is after QUARTER of the bar, not before HALF. || 3. Solo Objective pushes = If enemy team is pushing objectives and NO ONE is splitpushing, split push w/ Fly so you can get out if needed || 4. Saving a person from ganks/bad plays = If a teammate is getting ganked/doing a bad play vs enemy team (1v6s etc.) Depending on the map pressure, you can fly in and rescue beam someone out.
Laning Left to Right in order. Pick up Extra Health early if harassed often. Healing Rite always in lane hiding. Don't be scared to CS and take 1v1s early. Once you get Fly, comm and gank a lane that an enemy is pushing further.
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Mid Game
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Early CORE
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