Ivy Builds page #5
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Fly Mogging
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Read Me. In lane you should play for securing and stealing souls, Ivy has a precise and fast weapon, so she's good at it. Later you make sure to stay behind your fellas, or you won't be having a good time with Rescue Beam (best item in the game). When there's the possibility, try to flank or gank with your ult to secure kills. When you'll have all the Early Game items, you can clear minion waves like it's nothing.
Lane. Generally in this order, left to right, get the actives when you feel like it (7.750 souls needed).
Early Game. The core items of this build (16.250 souls needed).
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Mid Game.
Late game items.
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Early Lane Phase Any Order Really but I prefer to follow Left-Right
Get With Tesla
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Late Game Main
Armour 2
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TOP 17%
Чето одно выберите
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