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Lane Game

starting items to help get through lanning

get if struggling.

after you get ult.

with the most recent patch, Ive's ult speed can be increased with items
this means we can rotate super effectivaly now
get these early for your ult.


get these to help make your ult super fast

mid to late game

Once we get your ult up to speed we need to be able to help effectivaly
you could go spirit or gun damage at this point, if you go spirit focus items on your ult or kudzu
If you go gun dont bother grabbing the spirit items.

End game

at this point you should be able to not only rotate super fast but be effective when you get there
Now we just want to get items to close the game out based on rather we did gun or spirit


This build like many of my builds is mostly for jokes
But being that ivy is my most played the reason i got into her was because of her ults ability to allow me to rotate to a fight really effectivily
My only gripe being that her ult flight was slow so i often would be a bit late
I also would use the ult to farm 2 lanes at a time often
you can just fly over a lane and drop her bomb on the minions killing them then fly to antoerh location making farming fast

thoughts more

do note that most of the items (especially for gun as i dont play gun much) could be swapped out except for the speed items
If you feel other items would be better then BUILD IT experimenting is the best part of this game so dont be afraid to swap items out or around.

Ivy SKill build


Ivy Build Description

Wanna fly FAST? Then this is the build for you baby.