Haze Builds page #4
TOP 98%
Lane Haze is somewhat weak against a lot of matchups. Freeze your lane and look to catch opponents off guard. Feel free to be more aggro in duo lanes, but keep an eye on your health and itemise accordingly
Early Mid Items are non negotiables when trying to come active right out of lane
Early Mid Situationals that are worth considering
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Extra Flex/ Money
Big Ticket Prio
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Laning Buy in Order normally, can skip around. I always get Extra Regen first tho, extra ammo and regen is nice in lane.
Mid-Game Buy in order usually. Quicksilver Reload Imbue Sleep Dagger. You can skip Ricochet if your not going to be doing alot of farming only get it if you can tell the game will drag out.
Late Game Can skip around. Get Orange items if want more damage. Green items if want tankiness
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knife build
7 hours ago

Haze builds
early game when laning probly sell after early is the mag and monster round
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TOP 22%
Early Left -> Right (RR/SS/AR not necessary)
Mid MR/BL First | Richochet first if behind on souls (Farm little piggie)
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Try not to smile
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