Best Grey Talon Builds page #2
Initial Starters Grab some cheap spirit power and lane dominance.
Movespeed is king. You need to start your ganks, can also line up jungle mobs and Charge-shoot them.
Spirit Scaling By this time you've maxed Charge Shot. Lets make the improved scaling count.
And 1 more categories, including:
Only Charged Shots Now
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TOP 0.04%
Tier 1 Cards Recommended buy order, get Healing Rite if you need it.
Tier 2 Cards Recommended buy order. Buy Armor when you need it.
Tier 3 Cards Recommended buy order. Imbue Surge of Power and Superior Cooldown on your Charged Shot. Buy Armor when you need it.
And 2 more categories, including:
Tier 4 Cards
Cards to Consider
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TOP 51%
Lane Phase In a coordinated duo your focus should be to poke out the enemy before last hitting
Mid Game Power up your charged shot as much as possible, save points and put them all into 1, imbues apply to 1. Superior stamina is also very important as it will get you out of most bad spots.
And 1 more categories, including:
Luxury Items
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Lane Phase Very strong here, autos/1 can bully lane
Buy only one before midgame I prefer reactive
Early Game Improved burst early if fed // SOP on 1
And 4 more categories, including:
For infernus/pocket matchups
Mid Game
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TOP 0.1%
Early - Left to Right Ench can be earlier to help live burst. HVM earlier for last hitting.
Live in lane
Mid - Left to Right Big power spike after SoP
And 5 more categories, including:
Buy at some point
Late - Left to Right
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