Best Abrams Builds page #2
TOP 3%
Optional Extra
Second these items are super strong, play aggro
And 4 more categories, including:
Optional Defense
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TOP 4%
Laning phase Buy order depends on what you want. Close quarters for gun poke, melee lifesteal for sustain and spirit strike gives the most burst damage.
Variation 1 Speed and fire rate to easily chase down enemies.
Variation 2 Bullet resist shred to hit even harder. Focus more on ganking people who are alone.
And 3 more categories, including:
Late game
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TOP 3%
Buy ALL of these Purchase in order!
Situational Lane Items
Core Items Buy in THIS order.All of these are required. Go for kills after you get Lifestrike. Superior Stam is game changing, do NOT skip it. You'll need flex slots to get armor(s)
And 7 more categories, including:
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Lane Phase Restorative if behind, headshot booster if ahead first buy
Early Game Buy order depends on enemy teamcomp and personal preference
And 5 more categories, including:
Buy one or both
Mid Game
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