TOP 7%

Early Game / Lane

In Order add Extra Regen if needed CQ first in 1v1

Situational Lane Items

Add Extra Regen if getting heavily harassed, Healing rite you shouldn't need but can be a good crutch if you're struggling
Infuser is good against heavy spirit harass
Reactive good vs Talon or Beebop

Core Items

Prioritize Pulse first, then filling slots w/ 1200s, you can hold off on getting one of the armors if not as needed until later
Sell Resto or Extra regen if need more space


Usually get one active to counter the best player on the enemy team, reactive barrier is good vs Stakes or Hooks

Late Game / Luxury

After you complete your core items, feel free to add any of these luxury items
In order of my favorite, Superior CD + Kevlar is a good combo if you want to lean into always having your Ult late game.

If this guide has helped you please consider following me

www.twitch.tv/seabah and www.youtube.com/@SebaOW

Laning Phase

Start with resto shot, prioritize healing when off CD by shooting enemy heroes
Add extra regen if needed and getting harrased heavily (a lot of times I will be 300 HP and just sit in hard cover waiting for my 3 and Extra Regen to heal me) Ideally shoot creeps low enough to melee to secure last hits
Dip in and out of cover to minimize early damage
Once you have your ult, look to kill your opponent or possibly gank a nearby lane
Abrams can easily dive the enemies underneath their guardian with support.

Mid Game

Once you kill your your tower, look to start ganking and helping teammates kill their tower, while farming neutrals in between
Melee charge + Pulse lets you farm any creep camps you want, make sure you utilize melee charge heavy to reload your gun
Convince your team to run urn, or run it yourself with enduring speed, try to farm neutrals aggresively stealing enemy neutrals when possible
Look to ult enemies who just used their movement ability (for example an vindicta that just landed)
Don't forget your combo! Ult -> Heavy -> Charge -> Heavy (duration extended helps gurantee this)

Late Game

Once you complete your Core items you should be fairly hard to kill
However you do start to fall off against certain enemy carries
Make sure you buy the correct situational items into the late game to shut down whatever the enemy team is doing right
For example Slowing hex for vindicta / grey talon / pocket
Curse for enemy Seven, Haze, Infernus etc.

Abrams SKill build


Abrams Build Description