Best Wraith Builds page #2
TOP 0.01%
Situational laning items Trouble lasthitting? Buy HVM. Against squishy lane? Buy Headshot Booster.
Buy from left to right After your 500s and situational items.
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Fun Time
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TOP 0.1%
Tier 1 Healing Rite for tough lanes
Tier 2 Get greens if behind, Swift Striker if ahead. Skip straight to Tesla Bullets if REALLY ahead.
Tier 3 Tesla Bullets first. Everything else situational.
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Tier 4
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Category 4
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Lane Left to Right My Preference > Sell HB & AS Late Game for better items > Rush Tesla & Burst if you can Fast to Farm & start slamming everyone early. It will keep you ahead if done correctly
Mid If you are ahead don't buy AS above, just farm for Surge & Imbue 3. Trust everytime you press your 3 as long as its upgraded to lvl 2 you will fry everyone early. The rest is my order left to right sometimes certain items can be bought first situationally but everything here will help you continue to stay ahead
Big Guns Vamp burst very strong especially if you pop with your 3 at same time with it. I would go escalating first but if i have the money already just buy vamp.
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TOP 4%
INFO PRIO Tesla Bullets, Superior Stamina is nice for movment, Hunters Aura could be nice try it out
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TOP 91%
Mid Game Imbue Card Trick. Drop RR/AS if slot starved.
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More Bulk
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