Best Warden Builds page #4
TOP 83%
Weapon Buy left to right as needed. Sell Hollow Point Ward later for an item from below, or skip it entirely for one.
Vitality Buy left to right as needed. Replace Bullet Lifesteal with Leech late game. Buy reactive Barrier early if needed.
Spirit Buy left to right as needed. Imbue both Quicksilver Reload and Improved Reach to Binding Word skill.
And 3 more categories, including:
Flex/Alternate/Situational items
Flex/Alternate/Situational items
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TOP 5%
Early 500$+ Sell Mystic Burst Later
Active 500$+ If Losing Lane
And 4 more categories, including:
Active 1250$+
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TOP 1%
Early Game Pre 5k, Need High-Vel to actually Secure anything
Late game Sell Extra Health for Fortitude, Situational for rest
And 1 more categories, including:
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TOP 31%
And 2 more categories, including:
Defensive [FLEX]
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TOP 20%
Laning Buy healing when you get low but otherwise, go for dmg/reach
Post-Laning Reach + slow to guarantee cage -> pump full of headshots, QSR on Sprint
KEY Rush these if you get money
And 2 more categories, including:
End Game
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