Warden Builds page #1

Linepro Warden
1 week ago

Warden builds
TOP 2%
Lane Phase Skill Unlock: 1-3-2-4 | Skill Upgrade: 1-1-3-3-3-2-2-1-4-4-4-2 twitch.tv/linepro
Situational If losing lane
Early Game Use fleetfoot+2, use 1 on enemy to make them lose stamina and then use 3 to root them.
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Mid Game
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TOP 0.01%
Early Game Quicksilver Reload on Alchemical Flask (1).
Mid Game Majestic Leap and Surge of Power are your main power spikes, look to make plays with Last Stand (4) after acquiring these items. Surge of Power on Last Stand (4).
Late Game Improved Reach and Superior Duration on Last Stand (4). Sell Hollow Point Ward for Soul Shredder Bullets if lacking slots.
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TOP 0.01%
Early Game High-Velocity so you can secure souls in lane. Extra Regen if necessary. Quicksilver Reload on Alchemical Flask (1).
Mid Game Find the slowest enemy, run them down. Can sell Restorative Shot if lacking slots.
Late Game Improved Reach on Last Stand (4). Either go for Glass Cannon or Fortitude.
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TOP 0.01%
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Time to pop off
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TOP 94%
Early buy high velocity to make it easier to farm souls, extra regen or healing rite if it’s tough
Core items If all is well, then Burst Fire + Quicksilver. If it’s bad, then Quicksilver + Lifesteal and come farm into the forest. Last two items are for test, seems pretty good.
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TOP 94%
Early хай велосити, чтобы было проще фармить души на линии и экстра реген или хилинг райт если душно
Core items Если все хорошо, то берст фаер+квик сильвер. Плохо, то квиксильвер+лайфстил и фармиться в лес. Последние две шмотки для теста, походу очень хорошие для вардена.
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