Vyper Builds page #14
TOP 0.06%
500 sell basic for intensifying then rapid/monster rounds, only buy infuser if they are under 700 basehp, oneshot, mostly ordered, get Regens as needed, Spirit, Monster.
Lane Optional
1250 Swift - Lifesteal - Intensifying - QSR - Burst - Spirit Armor (Sell Regen) - Cold Front - Escalating/Sup Stam
And 4 more categories, including:
1250 Optional
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And 2 more categories, including:
late game
Late game situational
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TOP 11%
Phase 1 - Farming Rush Tesla Bullets and farm super hard
Phase 2 - Gun Damage Lucky shot is broken
And 3 more categories, including:
Phase 3 - Tank
Luxury items/tech items
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Its Kuro
TOP 18%
Tough Lane
Early Game L->R, skip Bullet Armor if there's a good reason
And 5 more categories, including:
Actives Pick 2-3 Swap Ammo Scav
Optional Def Counters
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