TOP 0.04%

Tier 1 Cards

Recommended buy order, get Healing Rite if you need it.

Tier 2 Cards

Recommended buy order
Buy Armor when you need it.

Tier 3 Cards

Recommended buy order
Imbue Surge of Power and Superior Cooldown on your Charged Shot
Buy Armor when you need it.

Tier 4 Cards

Buy in order
Very late game you should find yourself selling Headshot Booster, and Rapid Rounds.

Cards to Consider

Purchase these depending on situation and team composition.

Grey Talon SKill build


Grey Talon Build Description

Getting all your 500 Soul Cards online is nice to have well spread out Weapon, Vitality, and Spirit during the lane phase. You don't need to buy Extra Spirit early, in most cases it's better to save your Souls and purchase your tier 3's and 2's. Waiting until your Charged Shot is maxed to buy it is fine. Buy Healing Rite if you need it! Getting Rapid Recharge and Improved Burst early is ideal always. Enchanter's Barrier and Armor for early survivability. Buy Ethereal Shift and Superior Stamina if you need more late game survivability. It's good to grab for an annoying Wraith or Lash for example. The Ability Point Order is set in a way for you to be aggressive with your Rain of Arrows ability. Please feel free to max your Charged Shot early if your team is ahead and rush a more spirit oriented build and go from there! If you have any questions hit me up in the Official Deadlock Discord Server: @Discario