TOP 12%

Initial Starters

Grab some cheap spirit power and lane dominance.

Movespeed is king.

You need to start your ganks, can also line up jungle mobs and Charge-shoot them.

Spirit Scaling

By this time you've maxed Charge Shot
Lets make the improved scaling count.

Only Charged Shots Now

Once you grab these abilities, most of your fights you'll just spam charged shot, deleting everyone.

Grey Talon Build Description

This build focuses on endgame spirit-scaling.

1. Focus on last hits/denies early game, you need movespeed and early spirit quickly.
2. Charged Shot and Trap first, then immediately max Charged shot for the scaling bonus.
3. Once you obtain t3 charged shot, focus spirit power/charges.
4. Gank constantly. This is your role, to wtf-insta-delete heroes not seeing you coming.
5. Get more spirit power and CDs.
6. By endgame, you are just spamming charged shot. Enjoy the big numbers.