2 months ago
Dynamo builds
Early Game
I usually buy these left-to-right
Enable Stomp In
BR Shredder is super important
Enable Run-And-Gun
Buy in order if needed (can skip some)
Mid-Late Gun Buffs
Enable close range mag-dump
Mid-Late Sustain
Can skip or delay if super ahead or not needed
Late Game GUN
Not always time for these
Late Game STOMP
TP->Stomp->Magdump kills anything now
Dynamo SKill build
Dynamo Build Description
Close-range initiator build.
Use 2 to TP in aggressively, 1 to knock up your enemies, and mag-dump close range.
All items enable his 1, enable him to frag up close, or give him enough resist/stamina to secure the kills.
Late game you'll have 0 reload time because your 2 CD will be shorter than it takes you to empty your magazine lol.
In teamfights be aggressive, if you ever bite off more than you can chew and end up X-vs-1 in close quarters, ult (4) so your team can bail you out.