Lane First

You have to farm just a lot to be a carry for the latest time in game.


Open Splatter, next open punch, charge up Slpatter to max lvl.

Get Burst First

Upgrade your burst to max lvl.


Better to stay duo line or solo line againts non-sniper hero
So, you play really safe and use splatter every time.

Echo Shard

Farm for it.

Next lvl of Pressure

So, you got max Splaatter lvlv and Echo Shard, now you can help in fights
But only help, continue to farm.

To Continue your farm

Get one or both of those to get more farm.

Power Up

Use cooldown for Splatter.


Get remover in case of many control.

Fill items tier 2


If its needed use tier 2, but first of all use tier 1
Don't be agressive to initiate fights if your team: 1 - Your carry isn't farmed upper than everyone
2 - Your team didn't get control items or abilities
3 - Your team need Control immune if enemies have a lot of control.

Spirit Power and Range

Upgrade Splatter with Reach.

Last Stage

Now you are the best to Harras enemy!

What's next?

You just deal damage with splatter and escape or holding time with your ultimate

The end.

So, dear players, get initiator items by your needs
Damage enemy, stagger them and win match with ur team! Good luck! For any question contact me in discord: Oxpahhiko
Next time i will try andcreate inly ult build with great descreption.

Viscous Build Description

Hey Yo! It's very cool build for Splatter. Read description and follow it. After ending "Power Up" you can follow build in any section!
My discord is Oxpahhiko for any questions. GL in Games.