TOP 99%

Laning (Left to Right)

Poke at enemies with your 1, and punish risky pushes with your 2.

Laning Support

If you're hurting, buy these.

Mid-Game (Left to Right)

Pick off unsuspecting enemies with your insane burst and movement.

Mid-Game Support

These items help you counter specific archetypes.

Late-Game Team Fighting (Any Order)

Now, the real gun begins
I mean, the real fun begins
Sell lower tier gun items for these.

Late-Game Support

Now that you're (hopefully) the alpha threat, people want you dead
Make it harder for them.


Your ult is somewhat disposable
Don't be afraid to use it to save yourself or help your team secure a single kill.


Don't overstay your welcome
You are not invincible, and shouldn't play like you are
Get in, kill people, leave.


Always have an escape route
Your insane movement means jack shit if you die with no stamina in the middle of a big fight
Plan accordingly.

Phantom Strike

Vyper SKill build

Vyper Build Description

Detailed item descriptions, gameplay tips, and a funny name. What more could you want?