Mo & Krill Builds page #1
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Mid-Game Opcional
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TOP 0.1%
Early Lane First buys - Left to Right - focusing self-healing and movement - 3k souls
Extra Heals
Mid Game Second buys - Left to Right - after all are bought you are now ONLINE and your ult will start REALLY hurting - 14k souls
And 10 more categories, including:
Late Game
Build Improvements
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TOP 0.02%
Mid Left to right. Remember to jump dash before ulting + put Alch Fire on the ground
Late Left to right. buy Unstoppable early against heavy stuns
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TOP 6%
early pre-queue all in order, there's no reason to skip around with any of these
this whole build is centered around playing with your team, jumping between fights and driving around the map to catch people off guard. As long as you have a team that can follow up on your ults, you'll rack in assists and generally piss off the other team.
mid only start building burrow when its tier 3, once you're there it keeps ramping up
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silly time
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TOP 23%
And 6 more categories, including:
После лайна
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Early Game - Lane Buy as needed, probably should buy all of them
Mid Game - Gank then Farm Upgrade Ult and start ganking ASAP
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Late Game
Even later game
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Лейн + начало огонь и пульс на фарм и доп урон для килов
Мид-лейт длительность и кд скилов + еще космический скейл урона за прокаст + блинк
Убер-лейт Килл любого героя с 50% резиста . Берем броню по необходимости.
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