Additional ItemsIdeal For Burrow

Non-Core items that I always build because I think they pair extremely well with Mo's Burrow
Always build 7 or 8 Spirit Items
Buy whichever of these you want, but I usually go with Fortitude and either Armor
Shadow Weave could replace Lifestrike late-game
Build these any time in-between your Core Items
Buy Enduring Speed against Kelvin.

Core ItemsSell When Full

Keep Monster Rounds the longest because it helps the most.

Core Melee ItemsSell Last

Late-game replace Lifestrike with Shadow Weave.

Counter Antiheal

Counter Fly

Mo & Krill SKill build


Mo & Krill Build Description

This build relies on your Burrow to do most of your damage and escape fights. The strategy is to dive in with your high movement speed, do as much damage as you can and then run away. After 7 minutes start Jungling next to your lane, stay nearby until your Guardian is destroyed or until you destroy the enemy laners Walker because it's really good to utilise the lane shop while you still have it. Gank your teammates so that they aren't mad at you later in the game for farming bottom Jungle while a lane is being shoved by the entire enemy team. Prioritise farm because Mo's farm capabilities are insane. Minion waves will provide more gold if you're in a lane by yourself, but kill as many Jungle Camps as you can. You should have either the most Souls in the game or the second most Souls in the game (by the end). Even if you're doing terrible at the start of the game. Use your Burrow to target objectives for your team - breaking Guardians and Walkers is easy for you. Learn how to bait the Walkers stun with your Burrow. Also, learn how to take the Urn with your Burrow.